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How I ruined my SEO

· 10 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

In October 2022 traffic to my blog dropped like a stone. What happened? Somehow I ruined my SEO. Don't be me. I'll tell you what I got up to and hopefully you can avoid doing the same.

Updated 20/11/2023: SEO fixed!

There's a follow up to this named "How we fixed my SEO" that you may enjoy.

title image reading "How I ruined my SEO" with an image of a tire fire in the background

Azure Pipelines - Node.js 16 and custom pipelines task extensions

· 5 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Support for Node.js 16 for Azure Pipelines custom pipelines task extensions has arrived. From a TypeScript perspective, this post documents how to migrate from a Node.js 10 custom task to one that runs on Node 16 using azure-pipelines-task-lib.

title image reading "Azure Pipelines - Node.js 16 and custom pipelines task extensions" with Azure Pipelines, Node.js and TypeScript logos

Updated 26th September 2024 - Node.js 20 support available

It's now possible to use Node.js 20 in tasks! See more details below:

What's more we're going to start to see warnings emitted in pipelines when an EOL Node version is used.

Adding lastmod to sitemap based on git commits

· 5 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

This post demonstrates enriching an XML sitemap with lastmod timestamps based on git commits. The sitemap being enriched in this post was generated automatically by Docusaurus. The techniques used are predicated on the way Docusaurus works; in that it is file based. You could easily use this technique for another file based website solution; but you would need tweaks to target the relevant files you would use to drive your lastmod.

If you're interested in applying the same technique to your RSS / Atom / JSON feeds in Docusaurus, you may find this post interesting.

title image reading "Adding lastmod to sitemap based on git commits" with XML and Docusaurus logos

Getting started with the Web Monetization API

· 8 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

The Web Monetization API is a JavaScript browser API that allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website. This post walks through getting started adding it to a site.

title image reading "Web Monetization API - getting started" with the Web Monetization logo