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2 posts tagged with "Static Web Apps CLI"

The Static Web Apps CLI is a local development tool which can be used with static web apps / single page applications

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Static Web Apps CLI: improve performance with Vite server proxy

· 6 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

I often use the Azure Static Web Apps CLI for local development. It's not only handy when building Azure Static Web Apps, but also when building other types of web app, which also rely upon both a frontend server and some kind of API server. The Azure Static Web Apps CLI is particularly handy if you want to spoof authentication / authorization as well.

Changes in the behaviour of Node.js in version 17 caused issues with the Static Web Apps CLI. You can read a previous post which discussed this. However, whilst the issue was fixed in version 1.1.4 of the Static Web Apps CLI, it caused significant performance regressions in the CLIs dev server functionality.

This post shows you how to improve your developer experience by using Vite server proxy instead.

title image reading "Static Web Apps CLI: improve performance with Vite server proxy" with the Static Web Apps CLI and Vite logos

Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js 18: could not connect to API

· 3 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

I make use of Azure Static Web Apps a lot. I recently upgraded to Node.js 18 and found that the Static Web Apps CLI no longer worked when trying to run locally; the API would not connect when running swa start:

[swa] ❌ Could not connect to "http://localhost:7071/". Is the server up and running?

This post shares a workaround. This works for v1.1.3 or earlier of the Static Web Apps CLI. If you're using v1.1.4 or later, you should not need this workaround. But in that case you might find this post helpful on improving performance with 1.1.4 or later.

title image reading "Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js 18: could not connect to API" with the Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js logos