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6 posts tagged with "SQL Server"

The SQL Server database.

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VSTS and EF Core Migrations

· 6 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Let me start by telling you a dirty secret. I have an ASP.Net Core project that I build with VSTS. It is deployed to Azure through a CI / CD setup in VSTS. That part I'm happy with. Proud of even. Now to the sordid hiddenness: try as I might, I've never found a nice way to deploy Entity Framework database migrations as part of the deployment flow. So I have [blushes with embarrassment] been using the Startup of my ASP.Net core app to run the migrations on my database. There. I said it. You all know. Absolutely filthy. Don't judge me.

Unit Testing and Entity Framework: The Filth and the Fury

· 8 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

Just recently I've noticed that there appears to be something of a controversy around Unit Testing and Entity Framework. I first came across it as I was Googling around for useful posts on using MOQ in conjunction with EF. I've started to notice the topic more and more and as I have mixed feelings on the subject (that is to say I don't have a settled opinion) I thought I'd write about this and see if I came to any kind of conclusion...